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Cart Bug

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  • #112354



    Please i notice a bug in the cart when you have different settings for desktop and mobile. I was trying to set a “”Hidden Sidebar” for desktop and on Mobile to Dropdown.

    I set Dropsown cart on mobile because the buttons where hidden by the chat widget on mobile

    Below are my settings

    Desktop https://cl.ly/b9a712
    Mobile https://cl.ly/6491b3

    Below is a short video as a result I lost 385$ in cart 🙁

    Currently i set both desktop and mobile on dropdown.

    Please is there a way to fix it.

    Thank you



    No, this is not a bug. If you set the sidebar in the desktop, you should set the same in mobile.

    Best Regards



    Thank you for the clarification 🙂


    You are welcome! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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