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catalog bug

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  • #519080

    [email protected]

    Hello, I encountered the following issue on my website. The catalog in the top menu on several tabs of the site has a bug. By this, I mean that on these pages, the menu is in the open state by default and cannot be closed, although it shouldn’t be like that. I am attaching the following: an account for authorization on the site, problematic links, and a video demonstrating the issue.


    Hung Pham

    Hi [email protected],

    Thanks for reaching to us.

    You need to edit page not Header, then scroll down to Page Settings > Header and disable “Open categories menu” option https://prnt.sc/6kKQMZ-llq8C



    [email protected]

    Hello, I tried editing the page, but it didn’t yield any results. I’m attaching a video showing the settings of the problem-free page and the settings of the page with errors. Additionally, I’m providing you with an account for authorization on our site and three links (1. first problematic page, 2. second problematic page, 3. properly functioning page for reference).
    If I may ask, please visit the website and see the issue yourself because perhaps I haven’t communicated the problem effectively to you.
    Thank you!


    Hung Pham

    Hi [email protected],

    Fixed. Please check it.

    For normal pages, there is an option called Open categories menu in Page Settings while categories tax will inherit the settings from Blog page https://prnt.sc/pTCuH-r-atlg

    Hope it helps.



    [email protected]

    Thank you very much, could you tell us in the future how you solved the problem? how can we fix this on our own in the future?


    Hung Pham

    Hi [email protected],

    It’s actually not a bug, you need to edit Archive Blog post page and categories will inherit its settings.

    If you have a quick minute we always appreciate a 5-star rating on our theme!


    Your feedback is the motivation to improve our work and services.



    [email protected]

    hi, thanks a lot for your help, please close the topic, the problem is solved


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