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Catalog mode with variations

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  • #379873


    Hi Xtemos Support! I’m trying to set up a shop that is in catalog mode (no add to cart button or checkout possibilities of any kind) but I’ve found through experience and reading through the forums that product variations don’t work in catalog mode. I found some CSS code you had provided to another user to disable the add to cart button which I applied to my store so I could keep the variations, but is there a way to also get rid of the cart pages and checkout options all together without going into catalog mode? Or another work-around to be in catalog mode but keep variations? Thanks in advance!



    Sorry but it is not possible with Custom CSS to disable cart, checkout operations without enabling the catalogue mode.

    Best Regards



    Hi Aizaz,

    Thanks for the reply! If I turn off the cart functionality via WooCommerce with an extension (like this one this one ), will that work OK with the theme and allow me to keep my variations but remove everything related to the checkout process?



    Sorry but we haven’t tested this plugin with our theme and we could not ensure its compatibility.

    Best Regards

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