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Categories Dropdown Menu is Incosistent Among Pages

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  • #602050



    We are using the PolyLang plugin for our e-commerce store to have our site in both Albanian and English. This plugin requests us to duplicate the home page and other pages into both Albanian and English versions for more contextualized and personalized content. The inconsistency appears in the home page, when switching from Albanian to English. The Albanian home page appears correctly with the categories dropdown open at all times and visible, while immediately upon switching to English, its’ behaviour changes and it remains closed until we click/hover on it. What configurations do we have to make in order for both pages to have the same behaviour? Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

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    Hung Pham

    Hello sildimustafa,

    Thanks for reaching to us.

    Please edit page, scroll down to Page Settings > Header and enable Open categories menu option https://ibb.co/qdcNQtJ

    Best Regards.



    Thank you so much! It is resolved now 🙂

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