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Categories header banner

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  • #329564



    1. Where do I edit the header banner for each categories page, which shows the background image and all categories on it. I would like to make it bigger, with images and text and aligned and be on certain pages. i.e I don’t want it to be on the shop page. (image attach)

    2. Shop page, when clicking on shop page. I want all the categories to open, not products. or if that’s possible. I would like to create a page called products, when clicked, it should show different categories to click for further relevant products.

    3. Browse Categories > I want to change to Browse Products or something else. and clicking on browse categories should open product categories.

    Thank you

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    Luke Nielsen


    1. In order to edit the header banner, go to Products -> Categories -> edit some category -> then upload the image in the “Image for category heading” field.


    To make the page title bigger, enter the page option -> below find the “PAGE TITLE OPTIONS” section, and there enable the ”Large” button in the “Page title size” option.


    2. To show only categories on the shop page you need to customize the shop page by clicking on the “Customize” button above the header -> next go to WooCommerce -> Product Catalog -> in the “Shop page display” field select the “Show categories” option.



    You can show different categories on your “Product” page using the “Product categories” element in the page builder.



    3. To change the “Browse category” text try to use the “Loco Translate” plugin.

    Here is a video on how to change the text using the Loco Translate plugin:


    Unfortunately, our HTML structure of the “Browse Category” menu doesn’t support opening the menu by click.

    Kind Regards

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