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Category auto thumbnail + grid product count

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  • #587499


    Please see this screenshot, The filters sidebar is showing like the demo which you have sent.

    Best Regards.


    pink pink

    hello brother
    i did notice the issue but i didn’t know how to fix it

    your screen shot is following home / shop

    i want it to all categories , how can i do that ?

    also i notice each category is different , check “woman” , cardigans , they are different

    i don’t know where to fix this from !



    Navigate to Theme Settings > Product archive > Page title > Enable shop title and Categories in Page title.
    Please follow this guide:

    If you have any questions feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards.


    pink pink

    Brother i am still talking about the filter
    the filter is not working on all categories only in SHOP.
    i need to in all categories … all the widgets are checked as all categories but its not real active to all categories !!


    pink pink

    check screenshot

    the filter is in widget but its not in the categories !!!

    whats this man , i didnt do anything with it


    pink pink

    i found another issue in the cart page , it takes more than the desktop browser very wide than the page not fitted .

    please check the screenshot



    1. The filters are not working because you have not assigned the products to those attributes, please select the attributes as variations in the different products then it will work in the sidebar: https://ibb.co/MCCgXPS

    2. Your Cart page is built with Blocks https://ibb.co/HNhLyCX

    I kindly recommend you create another Cart page with default [woocommerce_cart] https://ibb.co/z2FJZVQ

    Best Regards.


    pink pink

    to the filter same issue since days now
    i mentioned couple times its dropshipping
    and you did fix it here : https://imgbb.com/Dg4H8Z1

    but it did break alone without doing anything.
    no way its as you said attribute or whatever cause dropshipping comes directly fixed under the filters with mentioned sizes, colors, etc…

    so its your filter problem not the products . fix it.

    2. the cart i said its very WIDE takin the full screen with very bad fit . so fix it .

    thank you,


    pink pink

    Still not fixed … your fast response is needed.
    Thank you,



    1. You can see that now the color widget is showing because you have used that attributes in the products: https://ibb.co/7zT3x6b Now these both colors which has the products are showing fine on the shop page sidebar: https://ibb.co/5TTvH9C

    Now you have not use the size attributes for any of the products which is why it is not showing in the sidebar: https://ibb.co/Bs28k6p

    Please edit the product and use these attributes in the products then it will work fine on the shop page sidebar.

    If you are using the 3rd party plugin for the dropshipping products then you need check how it works with the default WordPress theme and Woocommerce Storefront theme just to check whether the issue is with our theme or not. For this you have to use the default widget of woocommerce Filter product by attributes https://ibb.co/jfMj11K in the sidebar, if it will work then let me know so I can check it more.

    2. Your cart page issue has been solved. Please check the site after removing the browser cache.

    Best Regards.


    pink pink

    cart was fixed

    checkout is not fixed still wider than the browser i did try to add same code , but not working

    check the link in private



    The checkout page issue also has been solved. Please check the site after removing the browser and site cache.

    Best Regards.


    pink pink

    ok , great checkout working perfect.

    i noticed this client dashboard nothing works

    kindly check the screenshot
    dashboard , orders , etc… shows error 404



    You have not created the My Account page and select in the Woocommerce >> Settings >> Advanced >>

    Please create the page in Pages section then select that page in the Woocomemrce settings.

    Best Regards.

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