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Category: “Image for header menu” is not sync between languages.

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  • #547670


    Hi there,

    I edited a product category and I uploaded an image for the “Image for header menu”.
    I have this category translated to other languages. I use WPML.
    Problem is that this image is not is not synchronized between languages.
    I guess I need to set something under WPML/SETTINGS. But I can’t find it.
    Can you help me please?
    Please take a look at this capture to see what I mean: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Mnfh9NYeXQVx5z7lLd6movIcXw9SjLUd/view?usp=sharing


    • This topic was modified 3 months, 3 weeks ago by chefnelone.
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    Hung Pham

    Hi chefnelone,

    Thanks for reaching to us.

    First of all, take my apologies for the delay in answering because of the weekend.

    To assist you in the best possible manner, I kindly ask that you please provide me temporary wp-admin info (wp-admin URL, username, password) to the Private Content area, this will allow me to thoroughly investigate and address your concerns more efficiently.




    same issue here


    Hung Pham

    Hi cgd.mohamed,

    Thanks for reaching to us.

    First of all, take my apologies for the delay in answering because of the weekend.

    To assist you in the best possible manner, I kindly ask that you please create your own topic and provide me temporary wp-admin info (wp-admin URL, username, password) to the Private Content area, this will allow me to thoroughly investigate and address your concerns more efficiently.


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