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Category Indexing

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  • #123411


    Hey how do i get the indexing options on my drop down .

    Please see example :

    on this page http://temp.thelanguagepeople.com.au/shop/
    you can see the first three titles on the category menu have little arrows , where you can click open up the indexing of other titles.

    Now if we go to the front page http://temp.thelanguagepeople.com.au
    and we look at the ‘browse categories drop down’

    why don’t the first three titles have this arrows, to able to view the indexing.

    (this option used to be applied , but after installing base demo now i dont have it like that anymore. if you could please let me know how to get it back



    Please check the issue on one of the default themes to understand if our theme causes the problem.

    Best Regards



    the other themes dont really have this drop down categories thing, so i can’t really tell.

    Please help me fix

    it should be like the categories from this page : https://thelanguagepeople.com.au



    Please clarify the issue. Our theme does not influence the indexing of links at all.

    If you want to show the categories in the shop title, navigate to the Theme Settings > Shop > Title and Sidebar and enable the option to show the categories in the shop heading.

    Best Regards

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