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Change color of a single menu item (example)

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  • #145998


    Hey, I want to change a single menu item to be the color RED, example tilbud means SALE:

    Is it possible to make this the color red?

    Thanks for the help and I must say it’s an amazing template – just purchased it recently! 😀



    You can change a single menu item color to red by declaring your custom class in that specific menu item. And then assign red color to that class which is used inside that menu item.

    You can check the below screenshot where I declared “customColor” class for “test” menu item.

    After declaring the css class. You have to use the below css in your Theme Setting >> Custom Css >> Global Custom CSS:

    .customColor span{
    color:red !important;
    .customColor .woodmart-nav-link span.nav-link-text{
    color:red !important;

    Screenshot: https://jmp.sh/y9WEbAA

    Result: https://jmp.sh/UKuY9TV

    Best Regards.

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