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Change dark background on top Shop pages with horizontal category names

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  • #366148


    Hello, there appears a dark background on top Shop pages with horizontal categories names the quantity products of each categories. I think this big background is not good for the computer navigation. It’s ok in phone. but not on large screen. In a demo the background is transparent and appears the categories logos but in my web no. I can’t find this element to edit it. I don’t know how I can desactive or change this.

    Thanks a lot!

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    I saw the screenshot you attached.

    Please edit the Shop page and try adding the Shop page background color.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://ibb.co/YjScZks

    Best Regards



    Thanks. Now I know how upload an image here. But also I would know how I can desactive this element on phones, for example. I don’t know how I can find the position of this element to edit options etc. What name or position are this element? I would know if we can do a shadow in order people can read the white letters fine. I’m sorry, I worked with Joomla a lot of time and the organization of elements and positions in WordPress are new for me. Regards



    You are Most Welcome.

    To remove the element on mobile try adding the following Custom CSS in the Custom CSS for Mobile area under Theme Settings >> Custom CSS>

    .woodmart-archive-shop .page-title-default {
        display: none;

    Best Regards

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