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Change header color after stick

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  • #310547



    I’m using Woodmart’s Accessories demo. However, I want the header overlap text to be light by default. After it sticks, the text should turn dark and the background should be white.

    But it’s not happening. Can you please help me?



    I have visited your website and the header is already displayed as you required.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://gyazo.com/a2ed8fd4600fa3de3d21f8318271789e

    Please clear cache and check back.

    Best Regards


    Juan Pablo

    Hello Nazmul, how did u fixed it?

    Plz could u share the steps, thanks!



    Please reply to the @Juan Pablo question.

    Xtemos Studios.



    Hi @juan,

    I’ve used custom CSS code. Here’s the example:

    .whb-sticked .whb-sticky-row {
    	[[custom code here for changing header background color after sticking or after scroll]]
    .whb-sticked .whb-sticky-row.whb-color-light:not(.whb-with-bg) {
    	[[custom code here for change header background color]]
    .page-id-[page_id] .whb-sticked * {
    	[[custom code for changing text color to after stick]]
    .page-id-[page_id] .wd-tools-count,
    .page-id-[page_id] .wd-cart-number {
    	[[custom code for changing color on top (when not scrolled)]]

    Hope you found this useful.

    Best regards,



    Pablo You can check the CSS if this works for you.

    If your issue is still not fixed then create a new topic and provide with the admin panel login details of the website.

    I am marking this topic as Resolved.

    Let us know if there’s anything else we can do for you! You can always reach us at any time. We are always here to help you.

    Have a wonderful day.

    Topic Closed.
    Best Regards.


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