I was using loco to build a german onlineshop with your theme. Unfortunately most of the language strings are in the language file, whereas some of them are directly written in the theme. Is there a possibility to create a complete and good english and german version of your theme`?
We suggest you to keep translated files in wp-content/languages/themes/woodmart-pt_PT.po folder. In this case, you would never lose the translation even if you delete the plugin.
That is what I am doing. But what shall I do with things like the one in the screenshot? The law cookie content or the text for the empty shopping cart or the text for the button in the newsletter registration form? Or the contact form. To name just a few… Is there a good solution for that as well?
You need to translate them just in the Theme option. All the texts in the Theme Settings are not reflected in Loco, translate them in the Theme Settings. The same is for widget titles. Loso translates the strings which are not accessible from the admin panel.
Loco translate is plugin which rewrites the site into another language, it does not provide the option to switch the language. You will need a multilingual plugin.
I translated with poedit PRO, uploaded the files to wp-content / themes / languages but where do I enable it to work? because it doesn’t translate automatically