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change owl items numbers in mobile

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  • #218111


    Hello team ,
    we want to change items number in mobile just in archive page and in theme setting page we set columns number to 1 but we don’t want to change columns number of owl sliders at homepage or single product page. how can we fix this issue? we use this code that you recommended in a topic but sometimes it doesn’t work:
    function woodmart_get_owl_items_numbers( $slides_per_view ) {
    $items = array();
    $items[‘desktop’] =5;

    $items[‘tablet’] = 4;
    $items[‘mobile’] =2;

    return $items;
    with each refresh page items number change.



    Unfortunately, it is not possible to change it on one page only. This option is global any customization would be also globally applied.

    Best Regards

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