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Change the icons type of the product on the shop page

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    I would like to have the icons on the shop page (Take Away on this site) like I have on the home page (home-food).

    If I open the take away (shop) with Elementor I get the error on the attach files.

    Thanks in advance for the help.

    Best regards

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    Please describe the issue in more detail so that I could reproduce it. I tried to edit a page with Elementor and faced no problems, please provide more details.

    Best Regards



    Hi Elise,

    The problem is simple. I want to have in a product the icons of whislist, add to cart on the woocommerce page, with the add to cart in text, like I have on the homepage.

    Please see my files.

    The woocommerce page on my site is on the menu option “Take Away”, but this page when I open with the Elementor I get the error that you can see on the attached file.

    Hope it is more clear now.

    Thank you very much.



    The design for the product grid is set in the Theme Settings > Product archives > Product style. As per your screen, you need “Summer on hover” https://gyazo.com/31824b6549b43f46bba50f66751b84c4

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    Hi Elise,

    On the mouch!!!

    Thank you very much.

    Have a nice weekend.



    Hi Elise,

    Just one more question.

    It is por to have the products on the homepage with only the icon of the magnifying glass and maybe the description below?

    Thank you very much. With this last question the site will be perfect.

    Regards and thanks for the help.



    I am not sure I follow you correctly. As I understand you show the products by means of the Product Grid and Product Tabs widgets, if so, both have the same variety of designs on hover as the Theme Settings have.

    Please give me the screen of what you mean.

    Best Regards



    Hi Elise,

    On the homepage I would like to disable the add to cart and to the wishlist icons of the products.

    The goal is to the customers only be able to do that on the menu option “take away”. I already have a static menu on the homepage, but if I change the price of the product, I need to edit my homepage also.

    Hope now it is more clair what I want to do.

    Thanks again for your help, and my apologies for such amount of questions.

    Best regards.



    Please add this code to the Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global:

    body.home .product-grid-item .wd-add-btn,
    body.home .product-grid-item .wd-buttons{

    Best Regards



    Perfect Elise!!!

    I must learn css 🙂

    My site is finished… Thank you very much for your support.

    Best regards


    We are always happy to help you, write to us when you have any difficulties or issues with our theme.

    We would be grateful for 5 stars rate on http://themeforest.net/downloads in case you are satisfied with our theme and customer service

    Thank you in advance

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