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Changes are not reflecting in the published website

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  • #515695


    Hello experts!
    I am making changes to the template and many of my changes such as logo, promo page message, header changed are not reflecting in the published website. I have child theme active and published and I am making all the changes in child theme.
    Appreciate any guidance in this.

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    I’m having the exact same issue 👍


    Artem Temos


    Thank you so much for purchasing our theme and contacting our support center.

    We just tested your website and were able to change the logo without any problems https://gyazo.com/a442ec212f899970df04c061f0c275ba
    Could you please clarify how to reproduce the issue?

    Kind Regards
    XTemos Studio



    The issue is with the changes are not reflected in the published website. I still see Wood logo on my website.


    Artem Temos

    Could you please clear your browser cache and check again? Send us a screenshot please.



    Thank you for the reply. To test your suggestion, I changed the logo back to Wood logo. Here are steps:
    1. Cleared the cookies/cache from all the browsers.
    2. Changed the logo back to Wood logo -> Save -> Save Header
    3. Tested on completely different browser (firefox)
    4. It still shows the old logo that you changed.
    Attached the screenshot of each step.

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    Artem Temos


    As we can see, you have your own logo currently set on the home page. Here is a screenshot https://gyazo.com/cfc02520be2f6d13aa9c86397d6e7955
    And as we can see from your screenshots, you didn’t actually change the logo and on other pages you still have WoodMart default logo.

    Kind Regards

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