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Checkout and Cart RTL wrong directions

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  • #363739


    Hello guys,
    I have a problem with the cart and checkout, the columns are wrongly arranged and the area looks bad.
    Please look at the attached image: On the left side WOODMART, on the right side is a good organized demo.
    Can you please help with it?

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    Bogdan Donovan


    We have checked the following issues with the fresh theme installation and didn’t find similar problems:

    LTR – https://prnt.sc/49st-bSsi_oV
    RTL – https://prnt.sc/T1_hzT7A_wsM (layout is mirrored)

    Your checkout page shipping area layout is different from the default theme and was modified by third-party custom CSS code. We recommend you remove all custom code related to the shipping are layout, since, unfortunately, we cant support custom codes made by third-party developers.

    Kind Regards



    That is not good.
    Please try to set shipping like:
    “Free Shipping for Orders Over 250 USD”
    “Shipping to Closest Lockers Point” and give it a price 10 USD
    (For example)
    And then check the layout RTL and LTR, cart and checkout. Also on mobile.
    You will see the problem.

    Woodmart is a great theme! But the cart and the checkout layout of the shipping area are the weak point, I saw it in a number of websites.

    In the previous example I aligned the text to right. (You can look again in the liked website, I fixed it now as it should be)
    The original layout looks like this (Attached New Screenshot)
    I am a developer of the website and writing on behalf of the client, but I use this theme widely for various clients and they always complain about the cart and checkout layouts (The shipping area only).
    1) The price stuck in the middle
    2) The RTL language aligned left
    3) The radio button on the wrong side
    4) The title “Shipping” takes a part of the width (on mobile) and makes the main column break the content.
    5) There is also issue with long RTL text that breaks into two lines and continues on the wrong side (looks glitchy)
    Look at the previous screenshot, don’t you think the right side looks better?
    All the descriptions one side – all the prices on their side…

    Thanks a lot for your assistance and great support. Woodmart is great!

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    Bogdan Donovan


    Thanks for your detailed analysis. We will consider it as a feature request and discuss it with our development team.

    Kind Regards

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