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Checkout bugging out

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  • #232995


    Hey, so for the website: https://www.happyhourliquor.com/

    When you add something to checkout it does not work as it should, you often get a red screen, or it does not load when you add or change the address.

    Have you any thoughts?



    I see the problem, however, I cannot get to the admin area to check.

    Please deactivate all the plugins not related to the theme and switch the parent theme, check the issue, If the problem has gone, activate the plugins one by one, checking the issue to detect which one causes the problem.

    Best Regards




    My apologies for the slow reply, thought it was fixed however it is back again, I have re-activated the admin user see details attached. Any help would be very well received.

    I have tried disabling plugins etc but nothing seems to work. My server managers have confirmed it’s a dev issue and not server/hosting issue too.

    Any help in getting to the bottom of this would be very well received 😀

    Client is due to go live Monday so if anyone is around today, even better.




    Deactivate all the plugins excepting these ones: https://prnt.sc/v15hxg then check the checkout, I am checking it works: https://gyazo.com/f95523ed81da835ac296a63c1bdc4dcd

    Then activate the plugins one by one checking the issue to detect which one causes the problem.

    Best Regards



    Okay, I had done that before but the shipping plugin was to blame last time, this red screen looks to be a theme thing though, fully branded etc. I have also contacted the shipping theme guys but not sure what the outcome will be…



    Our theme does not cause a problem. When I have deactivated all the plugins and it works well.

    Best Regards

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