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Checkout fields manager crach my checkout

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  • #528297


    Hi, i had an issue with another plugin that i removed (polylang, because it was unstable)
    however, after removing it, the checkout page didn’t work anymore, and i figured that i came from the checkout fields manager. I don’t not have a backup dating from before installing polylang sadly.

    However i’m currently stuck and doesn’t know how to fix it, since it’s a feature that i liked…
    i’ll add bellow infos to login, and yes you can change anything/activate or remove plugins for your testing.


    Luke Nielsen


    Please clarify how exactly the checkout is not working because at the moment I see it looks well: https://prnt.sc/O11DfgR6jLSq

    Also, next time create a topic in the “WoodMart” thread because you use this theme at the moment: https://xtemos.com/forums/forum/woodmart-premium-template/

    Looking forward to hearing back from you!

    Kind Regards

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