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  • #336949


    Hello I have posted an issue with my page a year ago, it was resolved with he code

    .whb-sticky-header.whb-clone .header-categories-nav-wrap .menu-open-label {
    	display: none;
    .whb-sticky-header.whb-clone .header-categories-nav-wrap .menu-opener {
      min-width: auto;
    body .header-categories-nav .categories-menu-dropdown {
       min-width: 280px;

    It had been working well, but with the latest updates 6.0 and 6.2, it’s not working anymore, there’s a white space.

    Here you can see and example of the behavior of the sticky header

    I hope you can help me with this issue

    Best regards

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by ursawarrior.


    We have changed the theme considerably and some of the classes have been changed. Please check this document https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/faq-guides/woodmart-update-6-0-explained/

    You will need to recreate your customizations.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    Hello I have read the documentation link you send to me.
    But I have the question again the white space can be solved

    .whb-sticky-header.whb-clone .header-categories-nav-wrap .menu-open-label {
    	display: none;
    .whb-sticky-header.whb-clone .header-categories-nav-wrap .menu-opener {
      min-width: auto;
    body .header-categories-nav .categories-menu-dropdown {
       min-width: 280px;

    But what part of these css code part has changed?
    I’m not sure due I have tried with not success.

    I hope you can help me with these request

    The web page link is added below.



    Please, provide your site admin access (insert the site credentials into the Private content block under the message area) I will refresh in memory your header settings.

    Best Regards



    hello thanks in advance, the links to my page are added to the private area.

    Best regards



    Sorry I cannot enter your site now: Error 522 Ray ID: 6ba995dd8e5f77bf • 2021-12-08 22:56:10 UTC

    Please try to delete all the custom CSS we have provided before, and make the middle row sticky and the bottm row not sticky if it does not work, we will try to correct with custom CSS.

    Best Regards



    Hello I have deleted all the custom css I added, I tried to make the middle row sticky and the bottom row not sticky, but the problem is that is needed to add a custom css to replicate the same behavior


    I hope you can help me to resolve this issue

    Best regards



    I have disabled the cloned header and disabled sticky for the top row. Please check if it is what you need.

    Let me know if you need further help.

    Best Regards



    Hello, actually I want to have the sticky header but not with the elements of the default sticky header, I have modified with php code, because the elements from the original sticky header don’t include the category menu.
    When you go to the link of the page
    It’s enable two-row header (the original header without any php code), the first header you see on the page has two rows)
    and when you scroll down the page, one-row header appears (this is the cloned header, sticky header when you scroll down), this header has been customized by PHP (because the cloned header when you scroll down has as content the Main menu, LOGO, Login, wishlist, compare and cart), so I decided to add a snippet PHP for a customize clone header (sticky when you scroll down), with the items, Categories, LOGO, Search form, login options.

    This is the currently behavior of the sticky header

    This is the behavior that I want to have again, I want to hide the text of the category menu, only showing the icon

    I hope you can help me to resolve this..

    Best regards



    The sticky header may be cloned – a predefined set of elements that are not editable and your custom header – you can choose which row to make cloned all or one or two or all three and all the elements that are added to the default header would remain on sticky.

    Please remove all your customization related to the header both PHP and CSS and tell me what elements you want to have in default:
    1st row:
    2nd row:
    3rd row:

    You would better add them all and hide those you do not want to show with CSS. Our support does not cover fixing header customization. The header builder has a wider range of options to configure what you need without any customization.

    Best Regards



    Hello thanks for the response
    The main header in the home page as a default header I want to have:
    1st row:nothing
    2nd row:logo, search bar, login, favorites, compare and cart
    3rd row: category, horizontal custom menu

    as a sticky header I want to have
    1st row: as a only one row CATEGORY, LOGO SEARCH BAR, login, favorites, compare and cart.

    That´s the reason I have added a PHP code in the child theme and a custom CSS but the problem it´s not about customization only help in how to hide some features of a button.

    I hope you can help me with that, so I can customize by my own only asking a few questions..

    Best regards.



    Please add this code instead of those custom CSS:

    .whb-sticky-header.whb-clone .wd-header-cats .menu-open-label {
    	display: none;
    .whb-sticky-header.whb-clone .wd-header-cats .menu-opener {
      min-width: auto;
    body .header-categories-nav .categories-menu-dropdown {
       min-width: 280px;

    Now, this code would work this code contains new classes.

    Best Regards



    Hello thanks a lot, it works perfectly

    But the code is working only on the home page and not the in-store page, what could be the problem?

    Best regards



    The code does not work on the shop page as the shop page does not have the header, most likely, you have customized that.

    You gave the access on one site and now show another one, please provide access to this site.

    Best Regards



    Hello sorry for the confusion the main site is tusmartpet.com and the test site is petmallbolivia.tk/wp

    I hope you can help me with my web page

    Best regards



    We have checked the header on the shop page and on the home page we do not see any difference: https://gyazo.com/f18cb45c90d1b106ae159031135c135b

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    Hello thanks a lot, maybe just the cache options.
    Best regards


    You are welcome! We are here to help.

    Wish you a wonderful day!


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