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Code displayed in the new Widgets, why?

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  • #373721

    Jeriss Cloud Center


    The new WordPress Widgets page displays code instead of simply showing the blocks title. Is it normal that the Woodmart HTML Blocks show code like this? It’s not “clean” to organize them especially when there are many widgets on the page. See video


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    Please install the free classic widget plugin and update the site access, the access you provided earlier is no more valid.

    Best Regards


    Jeriss Cloud Center

    I know about Classic widget but I want to avoid using this to reduce unnecessary plugins.
    Woodmart should properly show elements even with Gutenberg, so there should be no codes there
    Credentials below.



    This is not WoodMart bug, this is WordPress bug. Please install this plugin and provide the page URL where we can see the problem.

    Best Regards


    Jeriss Cloud Center

    The problem can be seen without that plugin. Why do you want me to install this additional plugin…? And there is no Page URL, you just have to go to the Widgets backend screen that’s all…

    Is WordPress informed of this bug then?



    Your screen shows footer widgets and widgets after the mobile menu. I am checking both I do not see any code: https://gyazo.com/ae9c1852a81ee7851e36d1b4e18032d9

    How can I find the error?

    Best Regards


    Jeriss Cloud Center

    Did you even read the initial post I wrote… ? I’m talking about BACKEND here

    Read back and check the video I gave you in the private section of the initial post before answering please…



    Now your site is not reachable. Please check and install free classic widget plugin if you have not done that yet.

    When I checked you site last time I did not see the problem.

    Best Regards


    Jeriss Cloud Center


    Is it so difficult to have a little bit more williness to analyze the cases?!

    I gave you VIDEO in the initial post with credentials + now I give you SCREENSHOTS with new credentials again to show you the problem

    and you keep telling me that you don’t see any problem. I don’t like the way you treat tickets Elise, I’m not happy with your support. You’re not reading the tickets properly, you’re not taking the time to check carefully what’s going wrong, you just answer too quickly like that. That’s unprofessional.

    Now please check the screenshots and explain why the BACKEND widgets show this code.

    Also, you keep asking me to install Classic plugin but I DONT WANT. Your theme is supposed to be working fine WITHOUT classic plugin. So please stop asking me to install this pulgin.

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    When I try to enter your site it was not reachable.

    Now I can enter and I do not see any errors: https://gyazo.com/c719325a76376094327d5e07265e104b and https://gyazo.com/82b647c9cc5bd4ff57b72b3a219b616a

    Please note: WordPress has a bug in the widgets area and no WordPress theme influences or can fix that. The Classic widget plugin helps to solve the issue. The Gutenberg widget area (the widgets as you see them without plugin) is useful for the sites based on Gutenber. Your site is based on WP bakery page builder and you do not need Gutenberg functionality.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards


    Jeriss Cloud Center

    Your reply is NOT an answer to my question !!!

    Your screenshot is a screenshot of the Classic plugin widget dashboard.

    I told you that the issue is in the widget dashboard WITHOUT classic plugin !!!

    How many times will I have to explain it till you understand it? Seriously, I’m wasting my time here

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    As I told you, WordPress has a bug in the widget area. The classic widget plugin fixes this bug. And when you enable the plugin, the widget area works properly.

    I have deactivated the plugin and I see it shows the shortcode instead of the HTML block. I test on my site, which has a parent theme and theme related plugins and I see it this way: https://gyazo.com/a903196fb1fc024693a7a2474348af2c

    Please deactivate all the plugins and switch to the child theme and check.

    Best Regards

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