Hi, we have euro prices fixed with WPML and when anybody buy a product in euros the mini cart display the price in dollars. Only happens on mini cart. http://prntscr.com/hd946uhttps://susanholland.es
You can easily install this theme on your current website and turn on for a few minutes. It is necessary to understand is this issue related to our theme or caused by some of the additional installed plugins.
I installed Storefront how you say but the issue doesn´t apperars, there is no minicart. I remember one time I put a CSS to change the style of the VIEW CART button on Mini Cart and the issue disappear for a few moments… see attached file. I don´t know is that possible…
OK, we see that this shopping cart widget and WPML plugin has some incompatibility issue with our built in AJAX add to cart functionality. It may be also caused by some of other installed plugins. You can disable this function in Theme Settings -> Product page to make it work correctly.