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Color Scheme?

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  • #433794


    I updated the patches and since then, the font’s main color ( <p>, <b> ) turned to white over a white background and I can’t figure out how to go back to the default colors.

    I already tried without success: Disable Default Colors and Disable Default Fonts



    Please make the full backup of your site and upload the theme files again in the Dashboard > Appearance > Themes.

    Let us know if the problem remains.

    Best Regards




    I uploaded the theme via FTP and the issue is the same.
    We are planning on launching the website and need your help asap!
    thank you



    You need to remove the custom HTML in the Header which breaks the structure of the whole site.

    Please remove it and everything would work properly.

    Best Regards



    After all, the time I spent, it was some HTML simple code on the header!
    I would not be able to figure it out 🙂
    Thank you, the site is back now!


    You are welcome! We are here to help.

    Wish you a wonderful day!



    Hi Elise,

    I followed the instructions to upload a new theme version (FTP) and since I had a duplicate theme I deleted it from the server. I am now encountering an issue and I would appreciate if you could please guide me on the products page.
    The products are no longer showing the images correctly. I think is related to Woocommerce, but I’m not sure. The site is still under construction, and I just updated Permalink structure.

    I’ll copy the url privately for your review and advise below.
    thank you

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by speyroton.


    Could you kindly describe the problem in more detail? I am checking URLs and I cannot catch the problem: https://gyazo.com/50a06d7300b9f9e1d827f62719f86ab7 and https://gyazo.com/c577472d8ae271a004644a86a934762a

    Best Regards



    I reinstalled Woocommerce and seemed that fixed some of the database issues.
    Thank you!


    You are welcome! We are here to help.

    Wish you a wonderful day!

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