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compare products

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  • #568254



    I’m currently setting up the compare products. I managed to get the page with the compare widget working and the compare basically works.

    But I have a few points that I haven’t managed to get working yet:
    1. In the attached screenshot you see that the layout isn’t nice. How can I get it to look nice? This regards desktops, the mobile site looks just fine.
    2. Is it possible to mark properties that differ from each other? I have quiet a few products that are fairly similar and just differentiate by one or two properties.
    3. Is there an option to add a button “add to compare” for products on product archives for mobile devices. On desktop I have the button, but I miss it on mobile.

    Best regards

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    Luke Nielsen


    I’m sorry for the delay.

    1. Try to upload all images with the same sizes so it should look better: https://prnt.sc/KlXWc5JpACK-

    2. Sorry to say but right now there is no option in Theme Settings available for that. It requires Customization and this is beyond our limitations and support policy scope. Hope you can understand our limitations.

    3. Define the code below in Theme Settings -> Custom CSS -> Mobile CSS area.

    .product-grid-item .wd-compare-btn {
        display: block;

    Kind Regards




    1. I understand that with the images. But as you can see in the attached screenshot it isn’t limited to the image size. The width of the attribute fields greatly varies from line to line. The SKU fields for example are really long in comparison to the first attribute line.

    2. Yes, I understand that. Is there the possibility, that this will be added in the near future to Woodmart?

    3. Thank you, now it works 🙂

    Thank you for your help!

    Best regards

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    Luke Nielsen


    1. Yep, for now, it works in such a way, sorry.

    1, 2. I suggest you leave a future request here – https://woodmart.canny.io/feature-requests so our developers can consider it.

    Kind Regards



    Ok, thanks for your help!


    Luke Nielsen


    Always remember that you can reach out to us with any questions you may have.

    We wish you a splendid day!

    Kind Regards


    Bogdan Donovan


    We apologize for the misunderstanding. The first issue you mentioned regarding the column width in the comparison table is not a feature request but a bug in our theme, which we must fix.

    To fix this issue, try to add the following code snippet to the Global Custom CSS area in Theme Settings.

    body .wd-compare-table {
    	word-break: break-word;
    @media (min-width: 1025px) {
    	body .wd-compare-table td {
    		flex: 1 0 20%;

    This issue will also be fixed in the next theme update.

    Kind Regards

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