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Compatibility with TM Extra Product Options

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  • #45019

    Artem Temos

    Sorry, but we don’t know how to help you in this case since it is not our theme issue.



    Ok, I’ll check this for next few days and see what might be a problem…

    But I see that on Firefox and IE, your theme details are not looking the same as they look on Opera and Chrome… To be precise there are two issues:

    1. Elements are not centered in top bar like they are centered on Chrome and Firefox version. Same issue occur on Microsoft Edge. Check in private issue number 1 image.

    2. Only on Firefox happens this issue – on homepage, one column under FEATURED PRODUCTS are missing. There are only 5 columns, not 6 like it should be. Check issue number two image.

    Why is this happening and can it be fixed? Thanks.


    Artem Temos

    1. Try to add the following code snippet to the Custom CSS area in Theme Settings to fix this issue

    body .topbar-content form.woocommerce-currency-switcher-form .dd-select a {
       height: 38px;
       line-height: 38px;
    .browser-Firefox .topbar-content form.woocommerce-currency-switcher-form,
    .browser-Firefox .topbar-content .maxbutton-2.maxbutton.maxbutton-tool-free {

    2. Try to disable “Stretch row” option for that row and add a negative margin for it http://prntscr.com/ip8n32



    Thanks. That do the trick. 🙂

    Can you please help me with just one small thing… I don’t know how to make this increment to be aligned on right on mobiles (on request quote page). I tried everything but it does not want to surpass things inside. If it is some quick fix can you please help? Check screenshot, its only for mobile request quote cart. Thank you.


    Bogdan Donovan


    Try to add the following code to the mobile customs CSS area in theme settings.

    #yith-ywraq-form .quantity {
    	-webkit-box-pack: end;
    	-ms-flex-pack: end;
    	justify-content: flex-end;




    Yes that’s working. 😀 Thank you very much Bogdan.

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