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Compatible issue with WPML WooComerce Multilingual

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  • #52841



    I may chose a wrong channel to ask you about this issue.
    I have a compatible issue with WPML WooComerce Multilingual and my case was escalated to their theme compatibility team to work with your team as of 10-APR.

    The issue is:
    I am trying to: reflect the currency setting in the cart-widget-slide.

    I expected to see: When the user adds the item from add button, the cart widget should show the amount of the correct user’s preferred currency.

    Instead, I got: In Japanese page, when I add the item by clicking the add button, the cart widget shows the amount in AUD, instead of JPY (yen mark).
    This issue only occurs on the single product page.
    When I add the item from shop page (multiple items are listed on the page), the cart widget shows the item with correct currency setting.

    I tried to figure out the issue with deactivate the plugin one by one.
    And found the issue is occurring when Redux framework plugin is activated. I think this theme heavily relies on this plugin, so I cannot disable this plugin.

    If I ask this question in a wrong channel, please advise so.


    Artem Temos


    Try to add the following PHP code snippet to the child theme functions.php file to fix this

     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * WPML Compatibility
     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    function basel_wpml_compatibility( $ajax_actions ) {
        $ajax_actions[] = 'basel_ajax_add_to_cart';
        return $ajax_actions;
    add_filter( 'wcml_multi_currency_ajax_actions', 'basel_wpml_compatibility', 10, 1 );
    function basel_cart_count() {
            <span class="basel-cart-number"><?php echo WC()->cart->get_cart_contents_count(); ?></span>





    Thank you so much!
    You solved the issue!

    Please close the case.

    Thank you!


    Artem Temos

    Great, you are welcome! The fix will be included in our next theme update.


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