Thank you very much for your information, but I want this to happen in the product itself and be able to make this choice there.
For example, I have two choices, in one type of brand and in the other model of brand type
In this example, it is possible to select both in the product, but in the brand type, it brings all the features and I want to bring only the features of the selected brand.
Thank you
I have a product but with many details
In this example, my product has 3 models (A), each model has 30 states (B).
By selecting any model from A, I want to display its models in B only
But currently, by selecting any model A, it displays all the items in B
You’ll need to set up product variations properly in WooCommerce. Each model (A) should have its own set of specific attributes (B). Make sure to assign these attributes accordingly to each variation. This way, when a model (A) is selected, only its corresponding attribute values (B) will be shown.