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Conflicts with some YITH plugins

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    I have a few issues related to Woodmart and some YITH plugins.

    1. The sticky add to cart bar conflicts with YITH giftgards / gift this product option in single product. If i enable sticky add to cart and click on gift this product several instances of the gift card form is opened. Also the standard add to cart button get the title text duplicated like this “ADD TO CARTADD TO CART”.

    2. YITH Product Bundles uses Photoswipe plugin to open bundled product images but this option does not work with Woodmart. All bundled products now has a zoom effect.

    3. Is it possible to move all notification bars to top of page? I have noticed that sometimes users does not see it popping up and also these bars conflicts with the different browsers which make it impossible to read the text in the notification as it get hidden behind browsers down left address bar.

    4. Any plans on including the prettyPhoto library?

    5. Any plans on making it possible to embed youtube video in the product custom tabs?
    I have products with 2-4 instructional videos so i need to add somewhere.



    Artem Temos


    1. You need to hide this button in the sticky add to cart section with CSS code or disable the sticky add to cart option.

    2. Could you please send us a screenshot of the issue?

    3. You can disable sticky messages option in Theme Settings -> General.

    4, 5. Currently, we don’t have such plans.

    Kind Regards




    1. The button in the sticky bar is no problem but if you click the button in the page outside the bar you will see that gift card opens multiple times.

    2. YITH support has fixed this issue hiding a woodmart class with css (bundled products only).

    3. The sticky option is disabled but still all notifications appear at the bottom of page.



    Artem Temos

    1. Yes, the second content should be hidden with CSS too. We don’t have other solutions for that.

    3. Please, send us a link and screenshot where we can see the problem.



    Just go the the shop and add a product to wishlist and you will see notification at the bottom.

    So now after i disabled the sticky option some notifications open on top and some at bottom.



    Artem Temos

    Yes, wishlist message is not a standard WooCommerce notice and it is always sticky at the bottom.



    Hmm, it is not sticky at the bottom on any of my other 4-5 sites using other themes.


    Artem Temos

    Different themes may style them differently. But anyway they can’t be placed to the content section as other WooCommerce messages.



    Ok, i’ll fix that.





    In regards to the gift card issue i just found that it works just fine with variable products. It is only simple products the gift card form opens all over.

    Also i have conflict with YITH bundled products, when i visit a bundled product which has variable products the page hang up, not possible to scroll, and jumps up/down. If there is 1 variable product page is problematic for a second and the more variable products in the bundle the longer time page hang and jumps up/down.

    After further testing i found that when i disable the “Scroll top on variation select” everything works just fine, so there is typically a conflict with theme / plugin.

    Any fix for the bundle problem? Or du you have a filter hook which i can use to disable “Scroll top on variation select” only for the bundle product type?



    Artem Temos

    Sorry, but we don’t have such hook so you may need to disable this option if you use want to use this plugin.



    Hmm, this is not good support when we talk about a plugin used by hundreds or even thousands of other websites / themes. We have tracked the issue down to your “Scroll top on variation select” option and “theme.min.js” file and i guess YITH (which has the best support online) will find a workaround if you dont care about to fix it.



    Artem Temos

    We will consider adding advanced support for this plugin in the future. But it is really impossible for all theme options and features to be compatible with such a huge amount of plugins on the market. And doesn’t matter how many customers they may have. Some collisions still may appear since we didn’t declare that this plugin is fully compatible.

    Thank you for understanding.



    I know all about theme and plugin support as i sold my auction plugin to 3,500 HAPPY customers and always fixed conflicts instantly. And as i did know my code 100% it took 10-20 minutes to release a fix most often related to ajax and css conflicts.

    In this case it is not needed with advanced support for this plugin because it seems to work just great with Woodmart css and cart/checkout functionality. Done testing of mostly all options and YITH has provided fixes for their bugs so we have only your scroll bug left.

    Do you have a copy of your unminified theme.js file?



    Artem Temos

    You can disable JS minification and combination in Theme Settings -> Performance and customize original files.



    Then i think your settings does not work as there is no unminified theme.js. Maybe generated dynamically based on the other .js files as i did find the scrollTo code in finctions.woo.js


    Artem Temos

    Yes, you need to disable combine JS too. theme.min.js is only minified version since it contains ALL theme JS files.



    As expected i did find the issue in your “functions.js” file. The code in line 3987 “woodmartThemeModule.swatchesVariations = function () {” is not closed, it is missing the } in line 4316.

    This bug also partially fixed the reported gift card / sticky add to cart function. But still need to study your code.




    When further study the functions.js file i found that the closing bracket was actually not missing BUT on line 4195 you have commented out this line // if( ! el.disabled ) {
    And not commented out the closing bracket. Fix that and you will see many smaller js issues fixed.



    My mistake, i had forgot that i had comment out the scrolltotop function so thats why it was working just fine for the moment. Anyway that gave me the idea for the solution of the entire product bundle issue.

    If you please could add these (or similar) lines to the functions.js file all problems with yith product bundles is solved:

    In below 3988 add this line:
    var yith_bundle = $(‘.product-type-yith_bundle’);

    And update line 4218 like this:
    if (ScrollToTopCounter = 1 || yith_bundle.length > 0) {

    I would appreciate this fix so i can move on and launch the site.




    Forgot to mention that orginally there is only one = in your code here: if (ScrollToTopCounter = 1)
    Thats why it was not working 100%, using it like this and it works: if (ScrollToTopCounter == 1)


    Artem Temos

    Thank you for sharing your solution. We will consider adding this fix in our future updates.



    Sounds great. By now i am disabling the scrolltotop on actual producttype using this custom js. So at the moment it work just great.

    jQuery( function($) {
        var single_product = $('.single-product');
        var yith_bundle = $('.product-type-yith_bundle');
        if ( single_product.length > 0 && yith_bundle.length > 0 ) {
        jQuery.fx.off = true;
    } );


    Just to let you know that YITH has made a workaround in their JS code for the gift card issues so now also YITH gift cards is compatible with Woodmart.


    Artem Temos

    Great, thank you.

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