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content showing error, but content not found.

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  • #147692


    hello, i found a mixed content error, and i do not find the content in file directory.

    was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure image ‘http://dummy.xtemos.com/woodmart/demos/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2018/11/retail-black-friday-top-banner.jpg’. This content should also be served over HTTPS.

    can you please tell me where is the content will be found? or where can i make changes of this popup, which showing over header ,when a new visiter visits?



    Please read and find the reasons of the HTTPS errors: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-fix-the-mixed-content-error-in-wordpress-step-by-step/

    Please follow the provided suggestions.

    Also, You need to investigate the whole site and delete all the demo images with the external links and upload your images to the site.

    If your issue will not solve then I need your site WP Admin credentials to check it for you.

    Best Regards.



    please checkout the screen-short

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    Sorry, your given screenshot is not related to your query. I did not understand what do you want now? Please explain your issue with your screenshot.

    Best Regards.



    i m sorry i can not make u understand.
    i have mentioned my site and the mixed content error, screenshot bellow please check it out. this error breaks my ssl. and i do not find the location of this file . it may be hard coded in theme. or somewhere i do not know. my website link mentioned in form.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    i hope you get my replay ?!!!



    Please Navigate to Theme Settings >> Shop >> Header Banner >> Change the Banner background image delete it and upload your own image. Please see the screenshot: http://prnt.sc/pdp2ng

    Best Regards.



    O M G. sorry author, and thank you for helping a Noob.

    i found the solution but as you replayed to delate the DEMO images, i have done that.
    may be it is a Noob question, but i don’t know
    “how to solve the error ‘img. file missing’ , after delate the Demo img.”

    EX-“GET https://www.insaneboy.in/wp-content/uploads/revslider/black-friday/retail-black-friday-slider-two-bg.jpg 404 (Not Found)”

    a screenshot attached bellow.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    As I told you already you have to upload your own images or set color at the same place as per your requirements, or if you do not want to use the Header Banner, just turned if OFF from Theme Settings >> Shop >> Header Banner as per your requirements: http://prnt.sc/pdpywg

    Best Regards.

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