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Continuing the topics "PROBLEMS AFTER THEME UPDATE"

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  • #128443



    3) Thank you for solving the third problem! The code works well!

    2) Thanks for the tip on the second problem. We solved the problem with Mobile navigation buttons at the bottom of the screen:
    In the child theme file /wp-content/themes/woodmart-child/footer.php added missing code <?php do_action( ‘woodmart_before_wp_footer’ ); ?> before line <?php wp_footer(); ?></body></html>

    1) We still can’t solve the first problem and it’s very bad. Please help to set up Sticky notifications in the shopping cart.

    a) When the “Sticky notifications” option is enabled, the notification isn’t displayed on the entire width of the screen in desktop and mobile versions + works incorrectly “scrolltop jquery animate”.

    b) When the «sticky notifications» option is disabled, the default notification style is not displayed correctly and is on the left side of the screen.



    As we said you need to update the theme, Woocommerce, and all the related plugins. Our support is not provided for out-to-dated theme and plugins.

    Best Regards

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