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Costum search on products of WooCommerce

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  • #103924

    Hi right now i have built an eshop using your theme. In the home page I am using the Ajax search element. Is there a more advance search where I could use the product categories and subcategories?
    Meaning something like
    Select category -> “Car Breaks”
    Select subcategory -> “Front breaks”
    Select car model -> “Mazda”
    Select year of model -> “2017”

    Something like that.



    @Konstantinos Bitsakos

    Follow my guide here to integrate Relevanssi plugin with the theme’s Ajax search and setup the plugin to search every product tag attribute etc.




    Besides Woocommerce default search which finds the product by a keyword, our theme suggests search by category https://woodmart.xtemos.com/ and by SKU.

    You can select the category and see all the products accordingly. Search element in the Header Builder has the option to include “Select Category” https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/header-builder/

    Best Regards


    Hello the issue with the Ajax search in the front page reamins.
    When I click on categories it does not display all the categories, as you can see in the screenshot.


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    Please provide your site admin access for checking

    Best Regards


    Here are the access credentials.



    Please deactivate the plugins not related to the theme and check again.

    Here is the list of plugins which should be active for checking http://prntscr.com/mckr3o

    Best Regards


    Is there somewhere the setting of the Ajax search element, so I can look at them?




    Please deactivate all the plugins not related to the theme so that search by category would work properly.

    Add the products to the categories you have only one category with the products. Others are empty that is why they are not displayed.

    You can find AJAX option in the Search element in the Header Builder https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/header-builder/add-edit-builder-elements/

    Best Regards



    thanks for your help. After your advice now the dropdown menu shows the categories and subcategories.
    But there when I clich on a subcategory, the result page does not display any products.
    Even though there are products in this category.
    As you can see in the images here, I have products in the category that I am searching for with Ajax.


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    And the image that shows that there is a product in this subcategory.

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    But there when I clich on a subcategory, the result page does not display any products.

    Have you deactivated all the plugins not related to theme? It is very important. Please deactivate and check the issue again.

    Best Regards

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