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Countdown timer not displayed on product list page (but ok on product page)

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  • #127146


    Hello all,

    I have setup a sale schedule on my product, and the countdown display well on the product page.

    But not on thumnails product in product list page (product category, product tag, homemage)

    Of course, I have enable the option on theme settings -> shop -> Product style -> Countdown timer




    Thank you very much for choosing our theme and for contacting us.

    I am checking your site and I see the counter on both: product page and product grid https://gyazo.com/1c4f0c3390fbda964c95b9d88a306044

    Please clarify the issue.

    Best Regards



    OK I see it now.

    But is possible to have a display like this ?

    As a element in the frontpage

    (the countdown always display below the product thumbnails)


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    You will need to change the product item design on hover. You can find this option in the Theme Setting > Shop > Product style, try “Standard button”

    Best Regards

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