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Create a New Website's Page

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  • #52591


    Hi, when I created a new Page, these content came out automatically. May I know how to edit or disable these content? Please advise, thanks.

    Right Panel:
    Categories, Recent Posts, Our Instagram,

    Bottom Panel:
    Brand’s logo

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    Please navigate Dashboard > Theme Settings > General Layout > and set full-width http://prntscr.com/j5j6ke in result you will remove the sidebar and your page will be full width.

    Next, navigate to Dashboard > Theme Settings > Footer and check HTML before footer – remove everything from there. Also, check the footer layout http://prntscr.com/j5j9l9 if you have one of the layouts outlined, navigate to Appearance > Widgets > Footer Column 1 сlean it up or change the content.

    If you have any questions feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    Hi, For the sidebar, if I want to remain and how can I edit the content?
    I would like to add the footer link(the list of the “About Us”) to the sidebar and delete the category, recent posts and our instagram.

    Please advise, thanks.

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    Navigate to Appearance > Widgets as shown: http://prntscr.com/j5t30m Next, choose the widget depending on the page/field you want to change, then add and change the content adding appropriate widgets.

    If you have any questions feel free to contact.

    Best Regards



    Hi, not sure if the following design is able to achieve in woodmart theme.

    1. Left Panel content follow the list respectively (Attached: sample-1.png, sample-2.png)
    At my footer, I have two lists(About us & Customer Care) with different pages.

    I want the List A shown at the left panel when I am viewing any page from the List A. And, List B shown at the left panel when List B’s page is viewing.

    List A:
    Our Brand
    Leather Info
    Trust Policy
    Return Policy
    Terms and Conditions
    Privacy Policy
    Cookie Policy

    List B:
    Contact Us
    Shipping Info
    Track Order
    Custom Made and Personalisation

    2. Breadcrumb (Attached: a-or-b.png)
    Can I move the current breadcrumb to the place A or B?

    Please advise, thanks.

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    Artem Temos


    You can build such menu with plain HTML and anchors. Here is an example of such code https://www.rapidtables.com/web/html/link/html-anchor-link.html
    Unfortunately, there is no built-in functionality for that.




    Hi, may i know how to edit the categories’s default list in the widget? (Attached: defaul-list.png)
    I want to edit the text of Decoration, Design trends, Furniture.

    1. Categories

    Design trends

    2. Breadcrumb (Attached: a-or-b.png)
    Sorry, can you show me is there a way I can move the current breadcrumb to the place A or B?
    And how to edit the black color bar(Payment bar) to replace own image?

    Please advise, thanks.

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    If you want to change the wording of a category, delete existing one and create a new one with the proper name. Then Default Category widgets just output them.

    Enter widget and you will see the title where you can write all you need http://prntscr.com/j872ja

    Breadcrumbs take date from the page/category titles so if you want to change, you will need to rename the page or category.

    Best Regards




    1. after change the title, there are 3 default text (Decoration, Design trends, Furniture), how to edit?

    2. Breadcrumbs:
    I would like to move the current breadcrumbs position to the place a or b (refer to my earlier attachment). If this is not possible, please advise how can I disable it.

    3. Black Bar:
    And how to edit the black color bar(Payment bar) to replace own image? <– refer to my earlier attachment.

    Please advise, thanks.



    You have added Categories (These are post categories) into your widget http://prntscr.com/j89axo In order to edit go to Posts > Categories //prntscr.com/j89bn0

    If you want to add Product Categories you need to change the widget. Use Product categories http://prntscr.com/j89c2b or remove the widget if you need none of them

    Breadcrumbs: You can disable them if you want. There is no option to put Breadcrumbs inside the content.

    Black Bar: Enter the page editing mode and find option Image for page heading http://prntscr.com/j89cyu You will find the option to set the color or add the image.

    Best Regards



    Hi, I noticed the Normal Page and Blog Page is sharing the same side bar(Main Widget Area).
    Is that possible I could create two different set of cusom side bar content?

    Currently, for Normal Page’s sidebar, I have created two Custom HTML list in Main Widget Area.
    For Blog Page’s sidebar, I wanted to create Blog post’s category, Recent Posts and WOODMART Instagram, can you advise how can this be done? Thanks.



    You can create your custom sidebar(s) as shown: http://prntscr.com/j8iy50

    Then, enter the page editing mode and set this sidebar http://prntscr.com/j8iz2g in the bottom, under the content

    Best Regards



    Hi, I have created the custom sidebar and inserted the “Pages” from the widget list.

    May I know how to get the “exclude” function work as I already key in “Cart”, but it still show in the site’s sidebar.

    Please advise, thanks.

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    Enter the editing mode of Cart page from admin panel and take its ID from url http://prntscr.com/j8kua5

    Insert this ID int the filed where you have put the word “Cart”

    Best Regards



    Hi, they are quite a number of default pages such as 360 degree view, About Factory, About me, About Us, About Us 2, AJAX products tabs and etc. May I know can I delete these pages, will it affect the theme?

    As attached file side.png, can the page’s sidebar set to hide in the tab, it will only show the whole list when you click on it?

    Please advise, thanks.

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    Artem Temos


    You can simply remove them if you don’t use those pages.

    The hidden sidebar option is available for the shop page only.


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