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Create a Youtube Button on the share bar

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  • #151311


    Hello XTEMOS,
    Is there anyway that I can create a YouTube Button on the Share Bar, when user click to the YouTube Button, it will open new tab to our company youtube channel?
    Our share bar looks like in the file 3.PNG
    The youtube button looks like in the file 4.PNG

    Please tell me any suggestion if this’s possible, thank you.

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    Youtube does not have such functionality. Any Youtube icon assumes the link to follow. In this case, a user gets to the channel as you need. You can enable the showing Youtube icon with the link in the Theme Settings > Social Profiles > Links to social profiles https://prnt.sc/pm6tmg

    Configure your [social_buttons] shortcode. You can leave the field empty to remove particular link. FOLLOW buttons [social_buttons type="follow"] can be added by means of a text block. Simply displays links to your social profiles.

    Best Regards



    Hello Elise, thank you a lot for your respond,
    I have added youtube channel link into the Theme Setting, can you explain for me more about this, Can I add a YouTube Button on the share bar using shortcode?

    “Configure your [social_buttons] shortcode. You can leave the field empty to remove particular link. FOLLOW buttons [social_buttons type="follow"] can be added by means of a text block. Simply displays links to your social profiles.”

    Thank you a lot.

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    You can show the icons on the product page and it is possible to set all to share or all to follow. https://prnt.sc/pn0cl9 It is not possible to make the mixture.

    You can add the shortcode [social_buttons type="follow"] to the area “Before “Add to cart button” text area” or “After “Add to cart button” text area” https://prnt.sc/pn0f3a

    So you can place all icons to share in the meta area with categories and tags and follow icons in the button area or vice verca.

    Both options are configured in the Theme Settings > Product page

    Best regards



    Thank you a lot Elise.

    Best regards,


    You are welcome! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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