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Create Catalog view Besides for External Products

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  • #236078



    I do not want cart support and products to have a buy button.
    However, in external products (for affiliation), I do want a “buy on Amazon” button.

    Catalog mode removes these as well. Can I leave the buy buttons for external products?




    Please provide the product URL with the Amazon buy button and with the default button I will check If I can hide the button with CSS.

    Best Regards



    Hi Elise,

    I believe you have the opposite…

    I am on Catalog mode, thus the buttons are already hidden.
    The problem is that it hides the buy buttons from all types of products and I want to reveal the buy buttons on external products – products that lead out of the website (that’s why I don’t need cart functionality).

    I do not have a link to share because I’m still in test environment.




    I can hardly help without access. I wanted to check if it is possible to hide with the CSS one type of buttons and leave another one. Please try to provide access.

    Alternatively, you can search for a plugin.

    Best Regards



    Thanks for the response.

    But if you do that, you still have a problem with the cart being available and functional. I don’t want a cart page at all.



    I can check and hide the certain button with the CSS but I need your site URL at least. Can you move your site to online so that I could help you?

    Best Regards

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