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CSS Generator doesn't work

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  • #129657


    i am working for speed up my shop https://www.4skin.pl and I want to reduce css from functionaly that I’m not using. So when i uncheck something from the list and generate css than my site is broken. All of pages are looking bad. When i generate css and dont uncheck anything its broken too. Whatever I do with the css generator my site is broken in look. All things are overlap and the page look like a mess.
    How to use this generator.
    Do you recommend WP Rocket? I am testing it now and my site is speed up, but it’s not the effect what I am want to receive.


    Artem Temos


    Could you please generate the file now so we can how it looks? Or send us your admin access so we can do this ourselves.
    Yes, we use WP Rocket for our demo too.

    Kind Regards

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