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    I was follow step by step Language Switcher and WPML & WPML Woocommere currency switcher was setup well
    1. Assigned language switcher to Country menu. http://prntscr.com/jysdfo (DONE)
    2. Here is the header which should be shown on your site: http://prntscr.com/jysdu7 (DONE)
    3. You have set WPML menu in the secondary menu element, and your language switcher is assigned to the country menu, and not to WPML menu see point #1 http://prntscr.com/jysdu7 (DONE)

    but it doesn’t show and load in top bar right after language switcher. oya.. im running on localhost, is that problem?



    seem the widget currency switcher is OK, i was test in footer side

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    Please read carefuly mistakes made with the laguage switcher here https://xtemos.com/forums/topic/wpml/ June 24, 2018 at 7:12 pm

    Laguage switcher has been assigned to Country menu in WPML but another WPML menu has been set in the header builder.

    Now I have set the Country menu in the header builder and language switcher works as it should.

    Best Regards



    i mean my problem is Woocoommerce WPML Currency not load/showing on top bar, not the country for multi language. The multi-language run well. my problem is the currency switcher. i was follow step by step as article currency switcher

    Currency switcher:

    (DONE) 1. It has no option to be assigned to the menu, so, create a sidebar http://prntscr.com/jyd26j

    (DONE) 2. Assign the currency switcher to this sidebar WooCommerce > Multilingual > Multicurrency

    (DONE) 3. Create HTML block http://prntscr.com/jyd2mb add a widgetized sidebar element http://prntscr.com/jyd3dx and chose the created sidebar http://prntscr.com/jyd3i5

    (DONE) 4. Navigate to Woodmart > Header Builder > Add HTML block element and choose the created HTML.

    But it doesn’t show and load in top bar right after language switcher..



    Please check the issue on one of the default themes to understand if our theme causes the problem. We suspect that this is the issue of plugins conflict or wrong settings.

    Our theme does not have any options to configure currency switcher not influence on it

    Best Regards

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