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Currency/Language Switchers on menu next to Cart Icon

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  • #28470


    Hi, I have WPML installed and want their currency/language switchers to appear as icons next to cart/wishlist icons on top menu.
    Have your theme include those switchers?
    1. Can you pls refer me to the hook I should add action to in order to do that?
    2. Can My Account/Logout can be replace with an icon (of lets say a person) that would include those options in a dropdown on desktop?


    Artem Temos


    We don’t have a quick instruction for WPML switchers configuration, but if you want we can try to add them for you. Just provide us your admin access and we will help you. Otherwise, you will need to find the information about available options for currency/language switcher in the plugin’s documentation.

    Kind Regards



    Sorry for late reply.
    My computer crashed and was out of service for a while.
    pls find login credential in Private section.
    I would like the switchers to be placed next to cart, wishlist and search icons in the header.
    It seems this can be done in basel only programmatically.
    It would be nice if there could be nice icons for those switchers, with the same feel of the ones already there.
    If you could do this for me I’ll be very much obliged.



    Update: I’ve made it.


    Artem Temos

    OK, we are glad that you found the solution.

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