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Custom Product Attributes on product archiv site

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  • #576296


    I would like additional attributes (similar to SKU, category,…) to be permanently displayed on the store page or product archive page.

    see also the screenshot with the explanations.

    there is the possibility to show ALL attributes under the product with a hover effect, but the usability on mobile is not so good here, because the customer doesn’t know that he has to tap and he can’t really compare the products.

    i also realize that for layout reasons it is only possible to display the attributes with the current logic collapsed under the products, otherwise it would destroy the height of the element. i therefore suggest, possibly in a next release next to SKU, category, stock progress bar,… to be able to add an option for 1-3 custom properties under the theme settings product styles. then the height would be fixed.

    as an interim solution, it would help me if it were somehow possible to rename one of the existing elements (e.g. SKU) via code and refer to a different value in order to have this effect.

    Can you provide me with a code that I can implement?

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    Navigate to Theme Settings > Product Archive > Products Styles > Choose the style “Show Summary on Hover” and choose the “ Hover content” Additional Information. In this way you can show the additional content in archive pages.

    If you want to disable this on a mobile device. Try to use the theme preset feature of our theme \
    Here is our documentation on how to use theme presets. https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/theme-settings-presets/

    Best Regards.

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