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Customization of the Compare Products Page

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  • #585349



    I would like to customize the Compare Products Page and add some product properties in addition.
    I have found that this topic has been discussed here:

    However, it seems that the folders and the compare.php files changed since that time, and I can’t find which file I can modify in the Woodmart Theme folder (surely, it is needed to be done in the Child Folder).

    Could you please advise which file contains the same information as it was previously in the compare.php (https://xtemos.com/forums/topic/compare-product-in-woodmart/)?

    Thank you!


    Luke Nielsen


    Unfortunately, there is no way to override the compare page via the child theme, means that overriding that file via the child theme will not work, unfortunately.

    Let me know if you have any additional questions.

    Kind Regards

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