On mobile menu, I need to hide/remove the Menu tab, and only keep the Categories tab, plus the search field above. How can I proceed ? I guess there is some code to change somewhere ?
1. Assign your Product category menu as the mobile menu.
2. Disable showing categories in the Mobile menu element in the Header builder. In this case, you will have one tab only and it will be the Product category menu. If you want to rename Meny > Categories use the free Loco plugin.
Great tip for Loco extension !
I just don’t find where I can remove wishlist ad account that appear in the mobile menu (they are not in the menus appearance>menus)
Please add this code to the Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global:
body .site-mobile-menu .menu-item-wishlist{
body .site-mobile-menu .menu-item-compare{
body .site-mobile-menu .login-side-opener{