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Customize title tag h1, h2, h3 …

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  • #72675



    I need to customize the title of the “Promo Banner” element with h1, h2, h3 … The theme does not have that option (very bad), if you do not know php, this element will not help you to have a structure of optimal tags for SEO. .

    My problem is:
    I have created the directory “child-woodmart/inc/shortcodes/promo-banner.php” in the folder of my child theme but the page does not take this file.


    Artem Temos


    To customize this element structure you need to copy the whole woodmart_shortcode_promo_banner function from that file to the functions.php in your child theme and do your changes. Also, you are allowed to insert any tags to the banner content field and not use titles.




    Could you tell me exactly what I have to copy in the functions.php file? I did not understand.


    Artem Temos

    Paste this code to the functions.php file in the child theme and edit it

    function woodmart_shortcode_promo_banner($atts, $content) {
    	if( ! function_exists( 'wpb_getImageBySize' ) ) return;
    	$click = $output = $class = $subtitle_class = $title_class = $title_wrap_class = $content_banner = $inner_class = '';
    	extract(shortcode_atts( array(
    		'image' => '',
    		'img_size' => '800x600',
    		'link' => '',
    		'text_alignment' => 'left',
    		'vertical_alignment' => 'top',
    		'horizontal_alignment' => 'left',
    		'style' => '',
    		'hover' => 'zoom',
    		'increase_spaces' => '',
    		'woodmart_color_scheme' => 'light',
    		'btn_text' => '',
    		'btn_position' => 'hover',
    		'btn_color' 	 => 'default',
    		'btn_style'   	 => 'default',
    		'btn_shape'   	 => 'rectangle',
    		'btn_size' 		 => 'default',
    		'title' 	 => '',
    		'subtitle' 	 => '',
    		'subtitle_color' 	 => 'default',
    		'subtitle_style' 	 => 'default',
    		'font_weight' 	 => 600,
    		'title_size'  => 'default',
    		'content_text_size'  => 'default',
    		'content_spacing'  => 'default',
    		'content_width' => '100',
    		'css_animation' => 'none',
    		'el_class' => '',
    		'title_desktop_text_size' => '',
    		'subtitle_desktop_text_size' => '',
    		'title_tablet_text_size' => '',
    		'subtitle_tablet_text_size' => '',
    		'title_mobile_text_size' => '',
    		'subtitle_mobile_text_size' => '',
    		'custom_title_color' => '',
    		'custom_subtitle_color' => '',
    		'custom_text_color' => '',
    	), $atts ));
    	$images = explode(',', $image);
    	if( $link != '') {
    		$class .= ' cursor-pointer';
    	$id = 'banner-id-' . uniqid();
    	$class .= ' banner-vr-align-' . $vertical_alignment;
    	$class .= ' banner-hr-align-' . $horizontal_alignment;
    	$class .= ' banner-' . $style;
    	$class .= ' banner-hover-' . $hover;
    	$class .= ' color-scheme-' . $woodmart_color_scheme;
    	$class .= ' banner-btn-size-' . $btn_size;
    	$class .= ' banner-btn-style-' . $btn_style;
    	$class .= woodmart_get_css_animation( $css_animation );
    	$subtitle_class .= ' subtitle-color-' . $subtitle_color;
    	$subtitle_class .= ' subtitle-style-' . $subtitle_style;
    	$title_class .= ' woodmart-font-weight-' . $font_weight;
    	$content_banner .= ' text-' . $text_alignment;
    	$content_banner .= ' content-width-' . $content_width;
    	$content_banner .= ' content-spacing-' . $content_spacing;
    	$title_wrap_class .= ' banner-title-' . $title_size;
    	$inner_class .= ' content-size-' . $content_text_size;
    	if( $increase_spaces == 'yes' ) {
    		$class .= ' banner-increased-padding';
    	$class .= ' ' . $el_class;
    	if ( strrpos( $link, '|') ){
    		$attributes = woodmart_vc_get_link_attr( $link );
    		$attributes = array(
    			'target' => '',
    			'url' => $link,
    	if( ! empty( $btn_text ) ) {
    		$class .= ' with-btn';
    		$class .= ' banner-btn-position-' . $btn_position;
    	if ( count($images) > 1 ) {
    		$class .= ' multi-banner';
        if( $attributes['target'] == ' _blank' ) {
        	$onclick = 'onclick="window.open(\''. esc_url( $attributes['url'] ).'\',\'_blank\')"';
        } else {
        	$onclick = 'onclick="window.location.href=\''. esc_url( $attributes['url'] ).'\'"';
    	if ( $hover == 'parallax' ) {
    		woodmart_enqueue_script( 'woodmart-panr-parallax' );
    	ob_start(); ?>
    	<div class="promo-banner-wrapper" id="<?php echo esc_attr( $id ); ?>">
    		<div class="promo-banner<?php echo esc_attr( $class ); ?>" <?php if( $link && $attributes['url'] ) echo ( $onclick ); ?> >
    			<div class="main-wrapp-img">
    				<div class="banner-image">
    					<?php if ( count($images) > 0 ): ?>
    						<?php $i=0; foreach ($images as $img_id): $i++; ?>
    							<?php $img = wpb_getImageBySize( array( 'attach_id' => $img_id, 'thumb_size' => $img_size, 'class' => 'promo-banner-image image-' . $i ) ); ?>
    							<?php echo $img['thumbnail'];?>
    						<?php endforeach ?>
    					<?php endif ?>
    			<div class="wrapper-content-banner">
    				<div class="content-banner<?php echo esc_attr( $content_banner ); ?>">
    						<div class="banner-title-wrap<?php echo esc_attr( $title_wrap_class ); ?>"><?php
    							if( ! empty( $subtitle ) ) {
    								echo '<span class="banner-subtitle' . esc_attr( $subtitle_class ) . '">' . $subtitle . '</span>';
    							if( ! empty( $title ) ) {
    								echo '<h4 class="banner-title' . esc_attr( $title_class ) . '">' . $title . '</h4>';
    					<?php if ( $content ): ?>
    						<div class="banner-inner reset-mb-10<?php echo esc_attr( $inner_class ); ?>">
    								echo do_shortcode( $content );
    					<?php endif ?>
    						if( ! empty( $btn_text ) ) {
    							echo '<div class="banner-btn-wrapper">';
    							echo woodmart_shortcode_button( array(
    									'title' 	 => $btn_text,
    									'link' 	 	 => $link,
    									'color' 	 => $btn_color,
    									'style'   	 => $btn_style,
    									'size' 		 => $btn_size,
    									'align'  	 => $text_alignment,
    									'shape'		 => $btn_shape,
    								) );
    							echo '</div>';
    			if ( $title_size == 'custom' || $woodmart_color_scheme == 'custom' ) {
    				echo '<style>';
    				    // Color
    					if ( $custom_title_color ) echo '#' . $id . ' .banner-title{color:' . $custom_title_color . '}';
    					if ( $custom_subtitle_color ) echo '#' . $id . ' .banner-subtitle{color:' . $custom_subtitle_color . '}';
    					if ( $custom_text_color ) echo '#' . $id . ' .banner-inner{color:' . $custom_text_color . '}';
                        // Text size
    					if ( $title_desktop_text_size ) woodmart_responsive_text_size_css( $id, 'banner-title', $title_desktop_text_size );
    					if ( $subtitle_desktop_text_size ) woodmart_responsive_text_size_css( $id, 'banner-subtitle', $subtitle_desktop_text_size );
    					if ( $title_tablet_text_size || $subtitle_tablet_text_size ) {
    						echo '@media (max-width:1024px){';
    							if ( $title_tablet_text_size ) woodmart_responsive_text_size_css( $id, 'banner-title', $title_tablet_text_size );
    							if ( $subtitle_tablet_text_size ) woodmart_responsive_text_size_css( $id, 'banner-subtitle', $subtitle_tablet_text_size );
    						echo '}';
    					if ( $title_mobile_text_size || $subtitle_mobile_text_size ) {
    						echo '@media (max-width:767px){';
    							if ( $title_mobile_text_size ) woodmart_responsive_text_size_css( $id, 'banner-title', $title_mobile_text_size );
    							if ( $subtitle_mobile_text_size ) woodmart_responsive_text_size_css( $id, 'banner-subtitle', $subtitle_mobile_text_size );
    						echo '}';
    				echo '</style>';
    	$output = ob_get_contents();
    	return $output;
    add_shortcode( 'promo_banner', 'woodmart_shortcode_promo_banner' );


    Really? It is the worst I have seen.


    Artem Temos

    It is our banner element’s code if you want to customize it. But again, you don’t have to do this since you can simply place any HTML markup to the banner’s content field instead of titles.



    Ok, now I have understood … add all the content as html. This way yes. Thank you


    You are welcome! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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