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Database update message and Compatibility of Theme with Woocommerce 6.6 version

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  • #384370


    Hello Luke,

    1. Is theme version 6.5 completely compatible with Woocommerce 6.6 version

    2. I updated theme to 6.5 on staging site and then updated Woodmart Core and then Woocommerce to 6.6 version (earlier running at 5.9.1 or a next one)
    After update I am getting below message on Plugins section related to updated Woocommerce-

    I haven’t seen this message so far (during previous updates of Woo), hence –

    a). Just wanted to know, what sort of database update it requires to be updated. And why??
    b). Is it mandatory to update the database now. What if do not update
    c). Is it safe to do an update of database.
    d). Can it affect the site, layout, products, pages and contents anyhow negatively. Or else, there won’t be any such negative impact.
    Can you please suggest with details and clarify on above points

    Shall we click the button asking to update the database of Woocommerce




    Hello Luke,

    In addition to my previous message, there seems a Bug, after we update to theme 6.5 version.

    3. The Home Link under Main Navigation Menu of site, started showing few Unknown Sub-Menus and links (4 links) under it, with some icons too.
    Strange part is that Neither we had Set those inside Home Link under Main Navigation Menu, Nor they are displaying there when we look from Appearance > Menus > Main Navigation Menu

    Home page URL of Staging site = https://staging.vasangini.com/

    Please check Home page of our site and refer below screenshots-

    Can I ask, where these hidden or unknown Sub-Menu links are coming from and Why
    PS: This was Not happening until we update to 6.5 version and was fine till prior versions.

    Please fix this issue.


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by harshwe.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by harshwe.

    Luke Nielsen


    1. Of course our theme is fully compatible with the latest WooCommerce update.

    2. It’s not our functionality, will be better to make a backup and only then update the database.

    3. Please, update the theme to the latest update and check the issue again.

    Thanks for your time and have a great day.

    Kind Regards



    Bit Urgent:
    Hello, Luke,

    3. The Live site is already updated to the latest version 6.5.2, and even that is showing the same bug.
    As can be seen from below –

    Our site is Live and it doesn’t looks good at all. And is impacting.
    Can you please read 3rd point again (mentioned above) and try to replicate according to previous screenshots.
    Please suggest and resolve this soon.

    2. Can you please share you suggestion on this only –

    b). Is it mandatory to update the database (in terms of compatibility with theme). What if we do not update it.
    d). Can it affect the site, layout, products, pages and contents anyhow negatively. Or else, there won’t be any such negative impact.

    Regarding this – After update I am getting below message on Plugins section related to updated Woocommerce-

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by harshwe.

    Luke Nielsen


    3. Okay, this bug will be fixed in our next update, in order to get rid of this issue now, you need to enable the “Full width” design and remove the HTML block from there (check the below video).


    2b. I think anything will not happen if you don’t update it.

    2d. This is a functionality of WooCommerce so we cannot guarantee you that with products everything will be ok, therefore, will be better to make a backup and only then update the database.

    Kind Regards



    Hello Luke,


    Okay, this bug will be fixed in our next update…

    Thank you so much for understanding the point and assuring for a fix 🙂
    That video really helped to understand much better

    2. b,d) Thank you for sharing your inputs.



    Luke Nielsen


    Glad that everything is sorted out!

    In case you need any additional help, I’d be more than happy to assist you.

    Have a good day!

    Kind Regards

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