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Default Store Page (página de tienda por defecto)

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  • #572880


    Hello dear support,

    I’m having a problem with the page called “Store” not displaying as I would like.

    I would like it to be displayed like this: (https://woodmart.xtemos.com/shop/?per_page=9)
    With ALL existing products regardless of the category.

    …but instead it looks like this (see attach bad.png): a layout already pre-designed and limited in quantity and type of products

    Is there a way to make it look by default as it comes in the “factory” template?

    I tried to force it without success.
    I remain attentive and grateful in advance.


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    Try to disable the custom layout for the Products Archive You can do this in Dashboard -> WoodMart -> Layouts.
    If you have any questions feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards.

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