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Deprecated header message

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  • #80568


    You said: “Our old header settings were deprecated since 2.0 version and we finally removed it to clear our theme from a lot of unnecessary code. So after the update, our header builder function is turned on so you need to configure a new header for your website.”

    Isn’t this something that your customers should have been “notified” about?! It seems like a lot of people (besides us) have missing headers, missing logos, etc.

    If you change your theme drastically (to the point that our current design/info goes entirely missing) then you should “alert” us to this issue ahead of time.


    Artem Temos


    Isn’t this something that your customers should have been “notified” about?! It seems like a lot of people (besides us) have missing headers, missing logos, etc.

    There was a noticeable message for this in Theme Settings -> Header for more than half of the year. And before the update, you were able to read our changelog where this information was also stated. https://gyazo.com/a0ff44ad43f1816881351ce3177822f8




    If our website was already designed and working, there isn’t any reason for us to be “looking” at the Theme Setting -> Header area at all!

    Also don’t read changelogs either.

    Guess we should start….


    Artem Temos

    So where should we write this messages in such a situation? 🙂


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