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different layout for some products

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  • #94531



    great theme first of all, I love it so far

    was wondering if its possible to have a different layout for one or couple products, thank the rest of them
    like one with extra content, and some other product with sticky add to cart but have the other all have a standard layout

    thank you



    also I added the wpml and multicurrecny, and was wondering ow to add the country, currency widget like the one in the demo



    Thank you very much for choosing our theme and for contacting us.

    You can set a different layout for different products. Each product page has the product options: https://gyazo.com/628f58ea36b0b523cbda69ab445e82cf

    In addition, you have extra content block option with the possibility to insert content in top/bottom or footer.

    As for the widget.

    You can add the shortcode via Text HTML block in the Header Builder http://prntscr.com/lryaec

    Here are more details https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/header-builder/add-edit-builder-elements/

    Best Regards



    awesome than you, what I want to check if theres a way to apply a certain type or category product a to certain template

    thanks for replying so fast 🙂



    Product options allow creating different layouts for product page and owing to duplicate option http://prntscr.com/lsc74l you can have a blank for product type or category or both.

    Best Regards

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