Hello, first at all, very good themplate.
I have a problem with the menus categories in the mobile version and the cart in pc version. Those are menus that appear from the side left and right. The problem is that if you click out the menu the page goes to another domain (the main domain of the server), so I would like to know where is located the path root in wordpress.
In server my main domain is http://www.bricovalle.es, and the folder of the wordpress is /lacamisetaoriginalcom (the domain is http://www.lacamisetaoriginal.com).
I attach you screenshots, please take a look the domain that is pointing to.
In cart, the domain http://www.bricovalle.es appears if you click the black space.
In mobile version menu, the dmoain http://www.bricovalle.es appears if you click on “MENU” or “CATEGORIAS”.
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