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Different sets of elements for creating menus with and without demo data

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    I’m new to using WordPress, so I apologize if the answers to my questions are obvious.

    Trying to add product categories to the menu, I ran into the fact that the menu constructor does not contain the necessary items.

    Tell me, please, what do I need to activate or under what conditions do these items become active?

    And a small moment that I can not reproduce now, but I took a screenshot:
    In the menu “my account”, somehow gets a link to the product. In some cases, refresh the page, I solved this problem.

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    Please find here how to create and manage menu https://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_Menu_User_Guide

    In order to delete the product navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced > Account endpoints and check the pages you have added there, remove product page and insert the appropriate functional page from WooCommerce.

    Best Regards



    Please find here how to create and manage menu https://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_Menu_User_Guide

    I understand how to drag menu items to the menu area.
    But I do not understand why in the absence of demo data, these items are not in the menu designer.

    With the demo data, the item “Products” exists (attachment 1)
    Without the demo data, the item “Products” does not exist (attachment 2)


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    Navigate to the screen options of the menu and activate the lacking blocks http://prntscr.com/k7zq9x

    Best Regards



    Demo pages are provided https://gyazo.com/d0ccdc470eeeb438bcfd94d78a7c5150

    Actually, demo pages are provided to show the structure and settings which can be used in your site.

    You understand me a little wrong.
    I’ll try to rephrase my question.

    I have a product category “chairs”.
    I want to add a product category “chairs” in the menu.
    But the menu designer does not contain the item “product category” in which I could choose my already existing category “chairs”.

    What actions should I take to get this item?




    Navigate to the screen options of the menu and activate the lacking blocks http://prntscr.com/k7zq9x

    Best Regards

    Yes, that’s what I need!
    Thank you!


    You are welcome! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards


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