Home Forums WoodMart support forum Disable the "use for variation" option for all products

Disable the "use for variation" option for all products

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  • #157320

    [email protected]


    is there a way to Disable the “use for variation” option in the brand attribute for all products?



    You need to disable this option in Attributes of the Product settings before you create variations: https://prnt.sc/py3wg3

    Best Regards


    [email protected]

    thanks for the prompt response,

    is there a way to disable this option in bulk for all products?

    seems many of our products were already created with this option enabled and now it is hard to disable it one by one



    Unfortunately, there is no option to do it in bulk. Woocommerce does not have the option to disable the attribute for a variable product.

    Best Regards

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