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Discount Price not show all product

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  • #648267


    In my website discount price not show in website plz help me i add images



    You need to add the sale price in the product settings then it will show you.

    Make sure you’ve added both a regular price and a sale price in the product settings (Products > Edit Product > General tab).

    If it’s a variable product, check each variation to ensure a sale price is set: https://ibb.co/v8S9WQZ

    If the issue remains, share the product page URL where you have added the sale price so I will further check on your site and give you a possible solution.

    Best Regards,



    Images 1: https://prnt.sc/CVdG0nv2a90o
    Images 2: https://prnt.sc/ySe90SrNLVSH
    Images3: https://prnt.sc/mYCAAmHVxks-

    look in Images 1 that in home page one product sale price that product have one product variant sale price showing other product have three variant also have sale price but sale price not showing in home page look Images 2: that was 3 variant with sale not showing other Images3: only have one variant that sale price showing plz help me I want to show all sale price in my all product

    Thank you



    When you set sale prices for variable products, WooCommerce displays the prices in a range format (e.g. $25 – $35), depending on the pricing of each variation.

    I’ve checked your site, and the reason the price range is not showing for variable products with multiple variations is because the “Hideto price” option is currently enabled.

    To fix this and display the price range correctly, please navigate to:

    Theme Settings > Shop > Variable Product and disable the option “Hide to price”: https://take.ms/zM5aK

    Once disabled, the price range will appear properly for all variable products.

    Best Regards,



    I want to shop regular price to sale price not price rang



    I want to show regular price to sale price not price rang in all products now what happened that only one single variation sale price showing I want in all products show sale price if that have multiple variation then also I want to show regular price to sale price

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