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Display Product Categories on Shop Page

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  • #126117



    I’d like to display thumbnail links to the product categories on the Products or /shop/ page instead of the product thumbnails.



    The shop page is the functional page and it is not editable. You can add Product Category widget to the Shop page widget area in Appearance > Widgets to show category links to a product category.

    The product page may also have a sidebar and you can show the Product categories by means of the widget in the Single product page widget area. Besides you can add an HTML block to and the extra content https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/product-page-options/#local_settings

    Best Regards



    Can I select this demo page for my /shop/


    Shop > Shop Pages > Only categories

    Many thanks,



    You can configure your shop page to show product categories only. Please navigate to Appearance > Customize > Woocommmerce > Product catalog > set the display

    Please note, categories will be in the default grid not in the masonry grid like on your screen.

    Best Regards

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